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How to change select component tags in ant design

Hi everyone I have the following code .

I am trying to do following.

When the user selects one of the items from the dropdown list, it appears in select with a close tag.

So I need somehow customize and add besides that close icon also edit button. How can I achieve that?

    import React from "react";
    import "antd/dist/antd.css";
    import { Select } from "and";

    const { Option } = Select;
    const arr = ["first value", "second value", "third value"];
    const App = () => {
      return (
            placeholder="Please select"
              width: "100%"
            {arr?.map((el) => (
              <Option key={el} value={el}>

    export default App;

PS unfortunately I am using antd version 3.xx and it does not support tagRender prop. And there is no way to upgrade to the latest version.

Please help me to resolve this problem.

As a workaround solution for antd version 3.3.0 ; You can add a custom icon to all the options and hide these icons when they are in the select dropdown like this:

import React from "react";
import "antd/dist/antd.css";
import { Select } from "antd";
import { EditOutlined } from "@ant-design/icons";
import "./demo.css";
const { Option } = Select;
const arr = ["first value", "second value", "third value"];

const App = () => {
  const handleEditClicked = (e, el) => {


  return (
        placeholder="Please select"
          width: "100%"
        {arr?.map((el) => (
          <Option key={el} value={el}>
              onClick={(e) => handleEditClicked(e, el)}

export default App;

And this is the related css to hide icons on dropdown:

.customEditIcon.anticon-edit:before {
  display: none;

.ant-select-dropdown .customEditIcon {
  display: none;

You can take a look at this forked sandbox for a live working example of this workaround solution.

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