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Proxy error while installing Cypress on citrix machine

I am trying to install cypress on my Citrix machine using command npm install --save-dev cypress (It was working fine earlier) but now getting this error- 在此处输入图像描述

also, the same is working fine on my Local, But there is no proxy connection I am using to access inte.net in my citrix machine, not sure why suddenly it is throwing proxy error, I am not able to proceed further.

Follow the steps mentioned in the below for reference - Pre-Requisites (Node JS & Package.json Creation -

  1. Download VS Code latest one
  2. Download Node from Node.js site to install
  3. Once installed add New System Variable under windows Environment Variables as "Variable name" as NODE_HOME and "Variable value as C:\Program Files\nodejs
  4. Go to the Project Folder and open in Command Prompt as below -
  5. Then run command npm init
  6. Enter Name as below as highlighted in yellow as cypressautomation -
  7. Press Enter till below -
    1. Then type yes Package.json file should get created
    2. Restart Visual Studio Code

Clean Install of Cypress from Scratch - 1. Clear Cypress by searching in windows and Shift Delete(Excluding the project folders) 2. Download Cypress from https://download.cypress.io/desktop/9.5.2 (Pass any version based from - https://docs.cypress.io/guides/references/changelog 3.Use this command in VS Code terminal as setx CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY rojectfolder.zip (Copy this zip file to any location and mention the path after CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY) 4. Restart Visual Studio Code d. Run from terminal - npm install cypress@10.3.0 (This will install node_modules & package. lock.json) 5. \node_modules.bin\cypress.cmd install -- force 6. add the below command under scripts in package.json - Cypress:run": "set Cypress RUN BINARY.C://Users//%username%// AppData//Local//Cypress//Cache//9.5.2//Cypress//Cypress.exe&& cypress open --browser electron (set CYPRESS_RUN_BINARY=mention the Appdata Path for cypress.exe)

We can figure out this issue using two steps.

step 1. Download cypress.zip file using URL that error has mentioned.


step 2: run this command set CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=yourPath\cypress.zip && npm install cypress

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