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Nokogiri : find all the anchors that match a name

I'm trying to save the links only of the sample pages in this website MusicRadar

require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
link = 'https://www.musicradar.com/news/tech/free-music-samples-royalty-free-loops-hits-and-multis-to-download'
html = OpenURI.open_uri(link)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
#used grep because every sample link in that page ends with '-samples'

The problem is that it only finds 3 of that links What am I doing wrong? And If i wanted to open each of that links?

CSS selectors are more useful than XPath (if the document structure is good enough for that)

Now you used XPath with similar to CSS selector div > a , but you don't need it because for example some of the links inside p

If you need all links with -samples you can use *= selector

doc.css('a[href*="-samples"]') # return Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet with matched elements

doc.css('a[href*="-samples"]').map { |a| a[:href] } # return array of URLS

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