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Docker-Compose not installed with Docker Desktop

I installed Docker Desktop v4.12.0 on windows 10 which installed docker v20.10.17.

I am trying to run docker-compose pull but get the response docker: 'compose' is not a docker command . I've tried reinstalling Docker Desktop but I still get the same error.

docker-compose --version and docker compose --version both return the same error message.

I'm new to docker and not sure if I've done something incorrectly. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

This can happen when we have older files laying around in windows path.

Try this:

where docker


where docker-compose

If you have multiple paths, maybe one of them is very old. In my case, I had to delete docker.exe and dockerd.exe in the root of c:\Program Files\Docker . The new files should be in the resources\bin folder.

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