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create apache virtual host

I have to create api.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-available dir in a server(xyz02.software.com). The apache config is managed via apache module(apache::vhost) in role::script..so basically it is ///modules/role/manifest/script.pp......

<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost

ServerName xyz02.software.com

ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/api-error.log

CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/api-access.log combined

apache::vhost { 'xyz02.software.com':

ensure => present,

port => 80,

docroot => /var/www,

serveradmin => webmaster@localhost,

servername => xyz02.software.com,

notify => [ Service['apache2'], ], }

when i write this in puppet this way, it create with name 25-xyz.software.com.conf while i have to get with name api.conf....I don't know how i should mention to get with api.conf name.....also this script create the file also in other servers like xyz01 and xyz03 which also shouldn't happen....Is their anything like if statement I should provide?

Sorry, but fundamentally the apache module assumes it has complete control over the Apache config files, their names and locations. This means that you can't tell apache::vhost to use api.conf .

The Puppet manifest for apache::vhost is hardcoded to use filenames of the form 25-vhostname.conf :


The good news is that this almost certainly doesn't matter. The way Apache config works, api.conf and the Puppet vhost config will most likely play together nicely.

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