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State not changing after update

I have a problem with use state component of property where the state does not change when loading component. The state of the item should change since i am updating it after receiving a response in the previous form stepper but when i add a new dynamic input field, it changes the state but not for the first one在此处输入图像描述

Here is the code that is bringing the error

export default function AddProp() {
   const [propertyID, setPropertyID] = useState(0);   
   const [step,setStep] = useState(1);   
   const [values,setValues] = useState({  
    responseMessage: "",
    loading: false,
    name: "",
    address: "",
    county: "",
    city: "",
    zipcode: "",
    type: "",
    specifictype: "",})

  const [formValues, setFormValues] = useState([
    { number_of_units: "", market_rent: "", square_feet: "", beds: "", property:propertyID.property },

  let addFormFields = () => {
      {  number_of_units: "", market_rent: "", square_feet: "", beds: "" ,property:propertyID.property},
  let sendProperties = async () => {
    const response = await axios
          property_name: values.name,
          address: values.address,
          county: values.county,
          city: values.city,
          zipcode: values.zipcode,
          property_type: values.type,
        { headers: headers }
      if(response.status == 200){        
        setStep(step + 1 );
        alert("An error occurred");


  switch (step) {   
    case 3:
      return (
      case 4:
        return <Success message={"DONE"} />;


Instead of using the current formValues , pass a callback to setFormValues that takes in one parameter, say currentFormValues , and use that to update the state instead.

const addFormFields = () => {
    setFormValues(currentFormValues => [
      {  number_of_units: "", market_rent: "", square_feet: "", beds: "" ,property:propertyID.property},

This problem is related to stale state, a problem that occurs whenever we're trying to update state, often within a closure .

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