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Cypress cy.wait() only waits for the first networkcall, need to wait for all calls

I would like to wait until the webpage is loaded with items. Each is getting retreived with a GET.

And I would like to wait on all these items until the page is loaded fully. I already made a interceptions for these. Named: 4ItemsInEditorStub

I have tried cy.wait('@4ItemsInEditorStub.all') But this gives an timeout error at the end.


How can I let Cypress wait untill all "4ItemsInEditorStub" interceptions are completed?

Trying to wait on alias.all won't work -- Cypress has no idea what .all means in this context, or what value it should have. Even after your 4 expected calls are completed, there could be a fifth call after that (Cypress doesn't know). alias.all should only be used with cy.get() , to retrieve all yielded calls by that alias.

Instead, if you know that it will always be four calls, you can just wait four times.


You can either hard code a long enough wait (ie. cy.wait(3_000) ) to cover the triggered request time and then use cy.get('@4ItemsInEditorStub.all')

// do some checks with the calls

or you can use unique intercepts and aliases to wait on all 4




There is a package cypress.network-idle that makes the job simple

  method: 'GET',
  pattern: '**/api/item/*',
  alias: 'calls',
// now wait for the "@calls" to finish 
cy.waitForNetworkIdle('@calls', 2000)  // no further requests after 2 seconds 


# install using NPM
npm i -D cypress-network-idle
# install using Yarn
yarn add -D cypress-network-idle

In cypress/support/e2e.js

import 'cypress-network-idle'

Network idle testing looks good, but you might find it difficult to set the right time period, which may change each time you run (depending on.network speed).

Take a look at my answer here Test that an API call does NOT happen in Cypress .

Using a custom command you can wait for a maximum number of calls without failing if there are actually less calls.

For example, if you have 7 or 8 calls, setting the maximum to 10 ensures you wait for all of them

Cypress.Commands.add('maybeWaitAlias', (selector, options) => {
  const waitFn = Cypress.Commands._commands.wait.fn
  return waitFn(cy.currentSubject(), selector, options)
    .then((pass) => pass, (fail) => fail)



// up to 10 calls
Cypress._.times(10, () => {
  cy.maybeWaitAlias('@allNetworkCalls', {timeout:1000}) // only need short timeout

// get array of all the calls
  .then(calls => {

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