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SOQL - How to retrieve CaseNumber based on the ParentId and Name based ContactId?

I'm extracting the " Id ", " CaseNumber ", " ContactId " & " ParentId " variables from " Case " object:

SELECT Id, CaseNumber, ContactId, ParentId FROM Case
Id CaseNumber ContactId ParentId
5004V000000000000A 00000001 003300000000000000 #N/A
5004V000000000000B 00000002 003300000000000000 5004V000000000000A

But instead of display the ID string of the " ParentId ", I need to display the CaseNumber whose the " Id " of corresponding " ParentId " belongs to.

Using the above example as a reference, by replacing the " ParentId " by the ParentCaseNumber the desired result would be:

Id CaseNumber ContactId ParentCaseNumber
5004V000000000000A 00000001 003300000000000000 #N/A
5004V000000000000B 00000002 003300000000000000 00000001

Additionally, instead of displaying the " ContactId " I need to display the ContactName . I know there is a " Name " variable inside the " User " object that matches the " ContactId " provided by " Case " object query.

" User " object query example:

SELECT Id, ContactId, Name FROM User`
Id ContactId Name
005300000000000000 003300000000000000 John Smith

So I need to replace " ContactId " returned by the " Case " object query by the " Name " found on "User" object as above. The desired query output result would be:

Id CaseNumber ContactName ParentCaseNumber
5004V000000000000A 00000001 John Smith #N/A
5004V000000000000B 00000002 John Smith 00000001

Anyone could help me to build a SOQL query to accomplish such result?

SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Contact.Name, Parent.CaseNumber

You need to read up a bit about relationship queries which is Salesforce's way of doing joins between tables.

You can go "up" 5 times, have 5 dots ( SELECT Account.Owner.Profile.Name FROM Case ). And you can go "down" the related lists too ( SELECT Id, (SELECT Email FROM Contacts) FROM Account

https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/soql-for-admins/create-relationship-queries-with-standard-objects and https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/apex_database/apex_database_soql may help.

Try the following query and let us know how it turns out for you. We have tested this in an org and it works without complication. Have a blessed one.

SELECT Id, CaseNumber, Contact.Name, Parent.CaseNumber FROM Case

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