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Unit testing controller error. When I try to use the controller in the unit test, I get this error

When I try to use the controller in the unit testing, I get this error. I am using MS Testing for the unit tests.

Testing code

public async Task PostDataReturnOk()
        var data = _fixture.Create<ProductCat>();
        _categoryRepository.Setup(re => re.AddCat(It.IsAny<ProductCat>())).Returns(data);
        _Controller = ProductCatsController(_Controller.Object);



public ProductCatsController(IProCatRepository repository, IMapper mapper)
    _ProCatService = repository;
    _mapper = mapper;


[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public ActionResult<CategoryDto> CreateCategory(CreateCatDto Categ)
    var catEntity = _mapper.Map<ProductCat>(Categ);
    var NewCategory = _ProCatService.AddCat(catEntity);

    var CatForReturn = _mapper.Map<CategoryDto>(NewCategory);

    return CreatedAtRoute("GetCat", new { id = CatForReturn.Id }, CatForReturn);

Post method - this is what I need to test


You are missing the new keyword.

_Controller = new ProductCatsController(_Controller.Object);

Further you need to pass in the relevant parameters for ProductCatsController constructor of the types IProCatRepository repository, IMapper mapper

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