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INFINISPAN :: getting bad request 400 while getting all records

I am trying to hit my cache on qa environment and implementing the 2.1.18. Retrieving All Entries from Caches .

Below is my curl request. I get 400 bad request.

 curl --location --request GET 'http://xyz/rest/v2/caches/transactionHistoryDB2?action=entries' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Cookie: 162e0596c05ab56392204538c1bcdc6b=f0bbdadd8858aaca50b60a8d5229f3bb; 5bd921f90a94eab6bd4a256140d0f6a5=e3d7675963f136abc350ba63ff90cec9' \
--header 'Content-Typea: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer Basic abcabcabcabcabcabc' \
--data-raw ''

In response I get Invalid 'action' parameter supplied .

But if I pass ?action=stats it works.

Can anybody tell me whats wrong?

The --data-raw '' argument is actually forcing your call to be a POST instead of a GET . I used the following and it worked:

curl --digest -u username:password --header 'Content-Type: application/json' ""

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