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Choose compute node(hypervisor) for instance creation with ansible openstack.cloud.server module

I am looking to specify which compute node to reside on when creating an instance with Openstack ansible module openstack.cloud.server , Actually I want to ansiblealize the following command:

$ openstack server create --flavor g2 --image Ubuntu-20.04 --network public2 --security-group default --hypervisor-hostname compute3 --os-compute-api-version 2.74 test
# OR
$ openstack server create --flavor g2 --image Ubuntu-20.04 --network public2 --security-group default --host compute3 --os-compute-api-version 2.74 test

How I can pass --host or --hypervisor-hostname similar to Openstack CLI to openstack.cloud.server module in ansible???

Try to use meta . hostname define you hypervisor:

- name: Create a new instance and attaches to a network and passes metadata to the instance
        hostname: test1

meta :

A list of key value pairs that should be provided as a metadata to the new instance

Another way, it could use availability_zone parameter to select hosts :

- name: launch an instance in specific host
    availability_zone: nova:compute3001

See also this example .

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