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Using Timber in wordpress: not all the post are displayed depending on the used brower

I have a display problem using Timber in a wordpress site. Everything is displayed correctly on Chrome, I can add posts and there are well displayed in the front-end. But when I switch to firefox or Safari, the newest articles are not displayed. I have check the code in order to identify if something is not going the way it should but I hadn't been able to find. I tried to clear the caches... no changes.

If someone have an idea about the origin it would be great. Here are sample code from my theme:


    {% import '_macros/global.twig' as global %}

{% for key, value in posts %}
    <div data-kira-timeline>
        {{ global.actu({
        'cta': options.read_more,
        'title': value.title,
        'link': value.link,
        'date': value.post_date|date('d.m.Y'),
        'content': value.content|truncate(10, true, '??')
        }) }}
{% endfor %}
{% if limit | length < 1 %}
        <div class="no-more-post"></div>
{% endif %}


* Class name: NewsController()
* A controller class is composed of methods suffixed with "Action", and responsibles for the following tasks:
* - Render the correct Twig/Timber template for the current page
* - Do the business logic associated to the current page
* - Provide the datas to the Twig/Timber templates

namespace Controllers;

use \Timber;
use \Timber\PostQuery;
use \TimberPost;

class NewsController extends AppController
     * __Constructor:
    * Call AppController::__construct to inherit AppController useful methods
    * @return void
    public function __construct(){

     * Method called by Router::routing()
    * ArchiveAction() method renders <news/archive.twig> and provide it some datas
    * @return void
    public function archiveAction(){
        $this->render('news/archive.twig', array(
            'post' => new TimberPost(),
            'posts' => new Timber\PostQuery(array('posts_per_page' => 9))

     * Method called by Router::routing()
    * SingleAction() method renders <news/single.twig> and provide it some datas
    * @return void
    public function singleAction(){
        $this->render('news/single.twig', array(
            'post' => new TimberPost()

     * Method called by Router::routing()
    * CategoryAction() method renders <news/category.twig> and provide it some datas
    * @return void
    public function categoryAction(){
        $this->render('news/category.twig', array(
            'posts' => new Timber\PostQuery(),
            'title' => single_cat_title('', false)

     * Method called by Router::routing()
    * tagAction() method renders <news/tag.twig> and provide it some datas
    * @return void
    public function tagAction(){
        $this->render('news/tag.twig', array(
            'posts' => Timber::get_posts(),
            'title' => single_tag_title('', false)

     * Method called by Router::routing()
    * findAllAjax() method renders all posts
    * @return void
    public function findAllAjax(){
        $this->ajaxRender('news/render/news-list.twig', array(
                'posts' => new Timber\PostQuery(array(
                'post_type' => 'post'

     * Method called by Router::routing()
    * findOneAjax() method renders one post
    * @param int  $id   Post ID
    * @return void
    public function findOneAjax($id){
        $this->ajaxRender('news/render/news-list.twig', array(
                'posts' => new Timber\PostQuery(array(
                'post_type' => 'post',
                'p' => $id

     * Method called by Router::routing()
    * findByCategoryAjax() method renders list of posts of a specific category
    * @param string  $category   Category slug
    * @return void
    public function findByCategoryAjax($category){
        $this->ajaxRender('news/render/news-list.twig', array(
                'posts' => new Timber\PostQuery(array(
                'post_type' => 'post',
                'category_name' => $category

     * Method called by Router::routing()
    * loadMorePostsAjax() method renders more posts from offset
    * @param string  $offset   Actual number of posts
    * @return void
    public function loadMorePostsAjax($offset){

        $args = array(
            'offset' => $offset,
            'posts_per_page' => 9

        $argsLimit = array(
            'offset' => $offset + 9 + 1,
            'posts_per_page' => 1,

        $this->ajaxRender('news/render/news-list.twig', array(
            'posts' => new Timber\PostQuery($args),
            'limit' => new Timber\PostQuery($argsLimit)

Sounds like something is wrong with your HTML-Output, which Chrome ignores, FF and Safari doesn't. The snippet you provided looks fine to me though. Maybe there is some bug in the global.twig

The technical post webpages of this site follow the CC BY-SA 4.0 protocol. If you need to reprint, please indicate the site URL or the original address.Any question please contact:yoyou2525@163.com.

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