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Setting IonDatetime default value while using watch function from react-hook-form

I'm building a form using Ionic 6, React 18 and react-hook-form 7.37.0.

My form includes a field where a datetime needs to be set, which is implemented with IonDatetime .

Using minuteValues parameter I limit the user to select minutes values in 5 minutes increments. This works fine. However, IonDatetime is including a default time that does not follow this restriction, any minute value can appear as default. I'd like to have a valid minute value as a default value. I have tried to set a default valid time with value parameter but I've found out that it interferes with the use of the watch function of react-hook-form .

If I watch the IonDatetime field, I cannot set any other value than the default value. Here there is a minimal example of this.

I also leave here the most relevant part of the code.

  const birthTime = watch("birthTime");

  <IonItem {...register("birthTime")} button={true} id="open-datetime">
        <IonLabel>Birth time</IonLabel>
        {birthTime !== "" ? (
            {format(parseISO(birthTime!), "dd MM yyyy HH:mm")}
        ) : (
          <IonText class="placeholder">Select a date</IonText>

        <IonModal ref={modal} trigger="open-datetime">
              onIonChange={(ev: any) => {
                    (ev.detail.value as unknown) as Date,
              onClick={() => {

To set the default value of an IonDatetime component while using the watch function from react-hook-form, you can pass the default value as the defaultValue prop to the IonDatetime component.

This is a basic idea, i am not using your code,sorry

import { IonDatetime } from "@ionic/react";
import { useForm, Controller } from "react-hook-form";

function MyForm() {
  const { watch } = useForm();
  const defaultValue = watch("myDateTimeInput");

  return (
        as={<IonDatetime />}

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