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IONIC Cordova app is giving android exported error

We have an app developed using IONIC CORDOVA. When I am trying to upload app on the play store then it gives an error "Apps targeting Android 12 and higher are required to specify an explicit value for android:exported"

I am using cordova-android: 8.0.0

If I am using cordova-android:10.1.0 then I am unable to build app.

I was having the same issues. Im not sure what causes the issues I think it is an cordova one. But you can resolve it by going to the platforms/android/app/manifests/androidManifest.xml there is a section <activity. Add android:exported="true". It should look like this <activity android:exported="true"....(other variables)

Add android:exported="true", in your AndroidManifest.xml



You should update to cordova-android 11. This release features support for Android 12 and the latest play store requirements.


I have solved this by adding android:exported: true to manifest.xml

<intent-filter android:exported="true" android:label="@string/launcher_name">

Please note that this error is related to launcher activity intent only

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