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Does Akamai GTM support GRPC server health check?

I have set up a GCP GLB behind which I have GRPC service as a backend, I can only hit the back with ip:port to create a connection to the GRPC backend. So i want to be able to set up a health check in Akamai GTM to test the service for auto failover between regions. Akamai GTM health checks support only http/REST client but not sure if they do grpc as well so anyone has ever set up something like this?

Liveness tests supported by GTM are documented on techdocs: https://techdocs.akamai.com/gtm/docs/managing-liveness-tests


  • DNS (port 53)
  • DoH - DNS over HTTPS (port 443)
  • DoT - DNS over TLS (port 853)
  • FTP (port 21)
  • HTTP (the default; port 80)
  • HTTPS (port 443)
  • POP (port 110)
  • POPS (port 995)
  • SMTP (port 25)
  • SMTPS (port 465)
  • TCP (port default not specified)
  • TCPS (port default not specified)

There is no out of the box GRPC option but maybe you can achieve what you want with HTTPS or TCP?

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