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Check if mat-dialog is already open

Goal : Open dialog on page load. Check to make sure its not already open so it only opens once. The dialog is a separate component.

Problem : Its opening twice.

I tried checking, but the condition never becomes true. I was using information from SO articles like Angular Material | Check if dialog is open but they mention MatDialogRef?

TS :

    // Set InActiveV back to false incase p refreshes page so that chat will call StartPVQueue
    sessionStorage.setItem('InActiveV', "false");

    // Start visit in API and get medical info    
    const staring = timer(500, 10000);
    this.startVSubscription = staring.subscribe(val =>{
      if (!this.isLoad) {
      else {

cmdOpenDialog_OnInit() {
    if (!this.dialog) {
    this.dialog.open(DialogInternalNotesThreeComponent, {
        data: {
            data: this.internalNotes

You can store a reference to the dialog on your component:

cmdOpenDialog_OnInit() {
  if(this.dialogRef) {
  this.dialogRef = this.dialog.open(DialogInternalNotesThreeComponent, {...});
  this.dialogRef.afterClosed().subscribe(() => {
    this.dialogRef = null;

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