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Cloud Asset Organization feed for deleted/created resource

I am creating a asset feed for the deleted/created resource. The code below and the link is showing the expression only for when the resources are getting created, but I want another feed when resources are getting deleted only. Reference link - https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/google/latest/docs/resources/cloud_asset_organization_feed

I just want to receive the notification ONLY for create and delete no UPDATE.

resource "google_cloud_asset_organization_feed" "organization_feed" {
  billing_project = "my-project-name"
  org_id          = "123456789"
  feed_id         = "network-updates"
  content_type    = "RESOURCE"

  asset_types = [

  feed_output_config {
    pubsub_destination {
      topic = google_pubsub_topic.feed_output.id

  condition {
    expression = <<-EOT
    !temporal_asset.deleted &&
    temporal_asset.prior_asset_state == google.cloud.asset.v1.TemporalAsset.PriorAssetState.DOES_NOT_EXIST
    title = "created"
    description = "Send notifications on creation events"

To create a deleted asset feed change the condition to:

  condition {
    expression =  temporal_asset.deleted
    title = "deleted"
    description = "Send notifications on deletion events"

Monitoring asset changes with conditions


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