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Edit xml file's DefaultValue using powershell script

I want to edit the DefaultValue for the Property name = "UseThis" using PowerShell script.

Xml file:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ConfigFile xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" IsOverride="false">
  <Section Name="ClientConfiguration" Type="Repository.Config.Configuration">
    <Property Name="Base">
    <Property Name="Subject">
    <Property Name="ApiVersion">
    <Property Name="UseThis">
    <Property Name="Configuration">
 <Section Name="ClientConfiguration1" Type="Repository.Config.Configuration1">
    <Property Name="Base">
    <Property Name="Subject">
    <Property Name="ApiVersion">
    <Property Name="UseThis">
    <Property Name="Configuration">

$path = "filepath"
$xml = New-Object xml

$nodes =  $xml.SelectNodes("/Section/Property")
foreach($Property in $nodes)
            $property.DefaultValue.Value ="True"

The above script is not working as no value is printed for the $nodes. I am very new to powershell and any help would be very helpful. Thanks!

It looks like simple coding errors. "/ConfigFile" was missing, and ".Value" shouldn't be there. $configuration should be $xml. It's good to have the full path for these .net methods. They get confused about the current directory.

$path = "file.xml"
$xml = New-Object xml

$nodes =  $xml.SelectNodes("/ConfigFile/Section/Property")
foreach($Property in $nodes)
            $property.DefaultValue ="True"

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