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'base_tags' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of:

Hello I get this error for create new custom template tags in django how i can debug my code?

it's my template tags:

from django import template
from ..models import Category

register = template.Library()

def title():
    return "any thing"

it's my HTML code:

{% load base_tags%}
             <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.html">{% title %}</a>

it's my error: 'base_tags' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of: admin_list admin_modify admin_urls cache i18n l10n log static tz

I run webserver in terminal but for again it's doesn't work true

You got this error because you have not added this tag in settings.py file

change this:


To this:


And in templates:

{% load simple_tags %}

And in settings.py file:

                'simple_tags': 'templatetags.simple',

If templatetags directory inside an app then you must add appname in libraries

                'filter_tags': 'your_appname.templatetags.simple',


        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'DIRS': [os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates')],
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [
                'simple_tags': 'your_appname.templatetags.simple', #Added here

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