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macOS: Error: No native build was found for platform

I'm currently using macOS Monterey (version 12.6 ) and nvm . I'm attempting to migrate over to Node version 18.0.0 from version 16.13.0 for a Gatsby project to setup Gatsby 5 .

The Node version is being set in the .nvmrc file and is being installed using nvm :

$ nvm install

The Node version of 18.0.0 is then being installed, again using nvm :

$ nvm use

When I run the Gatsby build, which is using version 4 currently, I'm getting the following error:

No native build was found for platform=darwin arch=arm64 runtime=node abi=108 uv=1 armv=8 libc=glibc node=18.0.0

The Node version needs to be at least version 18 before we can move to Gatsby 5 .

I was expecting Node version 18.0.0 to run the development build as this works for Node version 17.9.1

To set as current node versions.

nvm use 14.xx.xx

To install a specific node version.

nvm install 16.xx.xx

To get all the node versions you can install.

nvm remote-ls

To get all the installed node versions

nvm ls

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