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how to pass subnet to tfvars? using terraform for azure subnets

i have a su.net module like this:

    module "subnet" {
  source = "../../azurerm/azurerm-subnet"

  business_unit       = var.business_unit
  location            = var.location
  region              = var.region
  resource_group_name  = var.vnet_resource_group
  virtual_network_name = var.virtual_network_name
  address_prefixes     = var.address_prefixes

how can pass these values to a tfvars file?

During your terraform plan execution you should pass your values in a tfvars file. command: terraform plan "-var-file=su.net.tfvars" In your su.net.tfvars pass values like this:

business_unit       = "IT"
location            = "Your VNET Location"
region              = "..."
resource_group_name  = "Your VNET RG Name"
virtual_network_name = "Your VNET Name"
address_prefixes     = "A suitable address prefix like"

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