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writing pandas dataframe with Nested structure to DynamoDB using Python and AWS Lambda

I am trying to write the Pandas dataframe to DynamoDB table. This Frame have nested objects

  "PK": {
    "S": "2"
  "SK": {
    "S": "INFO"
  "001": {
    "M": {
      "New_Some": {
        "N": "6"
      "New_Some1": {
        "N": "2"
      "New_Some2": {
        "N": "1"
      "New_Some3": {
        "N": "1"
  "status": {
    "S": "New"
  "ModelVals": {
    "L": [
        "M": {
          "Models": {
            "L": [
                "S": "ABC123"
          "class": {
            "S": "XYZ222"

My pandas dataframe columns contains list and dicts as below -

column1- ["mfg_nom", "mfg_nom", "mfg_nom", "mfg_nom"]
column2 - ["ZZY", "ZZY", "XYZ", "XYZ"]
column3 - ["1", "2", "2", "1"]


column4 - {"New_Some": "0.000"}
column5 - {"New_Some1": "636.000"}
column6 - {}
column7 - {"Insta": 7, "Other": 7}

pandas dataframe contains multiple nested lists and dictionaries. How can I create this row to insert into dynamoDB. So far I have tried below but its only working with String not Arrays

    df = wr.s3.read_parquet(path=s3_path, 
                            path_suffix = path_suffix).isna()    

with table.batch_writer() as batch:
        for index, row in df.iterrows():
            batch.put_item(json.loads(row.to_json(), parse_float=Decimal))

getting error like -

"An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the BatchWriteItem operation: The provided key element does not match the schema",

My suggestion would be to use AWS Glue instead of Lambda which has a built in DynamoDB connector that will allow you to read from S3 and directly write to DynamoDB.


However if you must use Lambda you can make use of awswrangler for DynamoDB:


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