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How to prevent vite/rollup from changing up index.html script paths?

I have a relative script tag inside my <head> like this:

<script type="module" src="/../modules/module1"></script>

It is marked as being external via the vite/rollup config. During build, it is moved into the bundle and the path is adjusted based on the file system of the build agent (eg import "./modules/module1" ). However, the path is obviously not relative to the file system but the URL.

I tried a lot but I can't prevent the build from messing with that script tag or make vite/rollup understand that it's not relative to the current file system.



Run npm i && npm run build , check dist/index.html and the first chars in dist/assets/index.*.js and see the relative path has been moved and altered.

This functionality is apparently part of Vite: https://github.com/vitejs/vite/blob/main/packages/vite/src/node/plugins/html.ts#L370

There it is marked for removal and file path resolution b/c the isExcluded does not query config.build.rollupOptions.external .

I created an issue to hopefully address this problem: https://github.com/vitejs/vite/issues/11017

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