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C missing and no known rule to make it

I am new in C and I just installed CLion. I just created a new project and I'm trying to run "default" code from CLion.

int main() {
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    return 0;

But I got an error:

ninja: error: 'C:/Users/Kagan Laçin/CLionProjects/untitled1/main.c',
needed by 'CMakeFiles/untitled1.dir/main.c.obj', missing and no known rule
to make it

There's no "main.c.obj" file in that direction, it's right but why does not CLion create that? How can I solve this? I was using CodeBlocks before, I removed completely that. I did reboot 2-3 times. Still same.

It looks like the build system is getting confused by "ç" in your name. Unfortunately a lot of programming software is made by people who only speak English and it has problems like this. Put your project in a folder like C:\CLionProjects\untitled1 without a "ç"

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