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How to list the messages of a nats jetstream and know if they were acknowledged?

I need to list the messages that were posted in nats stream to know which ones were not recognized.

I have tried to look at the admin api that nats suggests in its documentation, but it does not specify if this can be done or not.

I have also looked at the jetstream library for go , with this I can get general information about the streams and their comsumers but not the messages that were not acknowledged and I don't see any functions that give me what I need.

Has anyone already done this no matter the programming language?

Acknowledgements are tied to a specific consumer , not a stream .

You can derive the state of acknowledgements from consumer info, precisely, the Acknowledgement floor:

nats consumer info

   Last Delivered Message: Consumer sequence: 8 Stream sequence: 158 Last delivery: 13m59s ago
     Acknowledgment floor: Consumer sequence: 4 Stream sequence: 154 Last Ack: 13m59s ago
         Outstanding Acks: 2 out of maximum 1,000
     Redelivered Messages: 0
     Unprocessed Messages: 42
            Waiting Pulls: 0 of maximum 512

Which is available in NATS CLI and most client libraries. There is no way to directly see the list of acknowledged messages.

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