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Jetpack Compose: How to draw a path like this

I wanted to show two points in this way:


Is there some reference that I can look up?

Just use a Canvas and draw 2 circles and 1 line.


    val radius = 64f //radius of circles
    val strokeWidth = 20f 
    val lineHeight = 300f
    val centerFirstCircle = Offset(100f, 100f)

        color = Color.Red,
        radius = radius,
        center = centerFirstCircle,
        style = Stroke(width = strokeWidth)

    //calculate the start and end of the vertical line
    val xLine = centerFirstCircle.x
    val yLine = centerFirstCircle.y + radius + strokeWidth/2

        color = Red,
        start = Offset(xLine, yLine),
        end = Offset(xLine , yLine + lineHeight),
        strokeWidth = strokeWidth

    //calculate the center of the second circle
    val centerSecondCircle = Offset( centerFirstCircle.x,
        centerFirstCircle.y + (radius*2) + lineHeight + (strokeWidth/2 *2) )

        color = Color.Red,
        radius = radius,
        center = centerSecondCircle,
        style = Stroke(width = strokeWidth)


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