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Load Sails programmatically and work with models

I see that I can access models at sails.models after loading sails programmatically, but I can't figure out how to find and update models. I want to do something like this, is it possible?

const Sails = require('sails').constructor;
const sails = new Sails();
await sails.load();
const user = await sails.models.user.findOne({id:1});

I get an error that findOne does not exist. No methods exists on the models from sails.models , only the customToJSON .

My syntax was wrong, this is the right way:

const Sails = require('sails').constructor;
const sails = new Sails();

sails.load({}, async () => {
  const u = await sails.models.user.findOne({id: 7});

  sails.lower( (err) => {
      if (err) {
        return console.log("Error occurred lowering Sails app: ", err);
      console.log("Sails app lowered successfully!");

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