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cy.wrap().its()... doesn't work when the value in .its() contains a period

I am looking to extract a URL parameter from the current URL I'm testing with Cypress. I was able to basically get the answer from this SO post , however, my extracted values are not available to me when I use Cypress's .its() command . The parameters in the url all have periods in them, and I believe this is the cause for my error. Here is my custom Cypress Command I'm building:

Cypress.Commands.add('getParmsCommand', function(value) {

cy.then( () => {
  const kvPairArray = this.url.toString().split('?')[1].toString().split('&')
  const paramObj = {}
  kvPairArray.forEach(param => {
    //default 'value' to 0 if it doesn't exist
    const [ key, value="0" ] = param.split('=')
    paramObj[key] = value
  //forcefully adding a debug element to the key value store for testing
  paramObj['beverage'] = 'soda'

  .its('timeline.ws')                                   //doesn't work
  // .its(`${Cypress.$.escapeSelector('timeline.ws')}`) doesn't work
  // .its('timeline\.ws')                               doesn't work
  // .its('"timeline.ws"')                              doesn't work
  // .its('beverage')                                   this DOES work!
  .then(parmVal => {

Here is the relevant part of the URL that I'm trying to extract from:


You can see from the error that Cypress is only looking for the id timeline , NOT timeline.ws ; it completely ignores everything after the period, and thus, never finds my parameter. 赛普拉斯错误信息

I saw there was a similar error with Cypress's.get() function back in 2018.

I am new to both javascript and Cypress, so I hope it's just a weird easy thing I'm overlooking. Any advice or educated guesses are greatly welcome at this point!

Thank you.

.its() is just a shorthand for property extraction. Since it fails with the period, you could instead use bracket notation in a .then() .

  .then(paramObj => paramObj['timeline.ws'])

or just


Playing around with the URL constructor

const urlString = 'http://example.com?timeline.ws=3600000&timeline.to&timeline.fm&timeline.ar=false'
const url = new URL(urlString)

  .should('eq', '3600000')


  .should('eq', 'false')

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