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Creating grafana dashboards using terraform/cdktf

I can create influxdb datasources and alerts using cdktf for grafana.

The only thing missing are the actual dashboards. So far I have been using grafo.net, which appears to be deprecated.

Is it possible to create dashboards and panels using cdktf yet, if so, how?

You can use the grafana_dashboard resource from the grafana provider. For this you have to add the provider if you haven't already, eg by running cdktf provider add grafana .

Your code could look like this

import { Dashboard } from "./.gen/providers/grafana/lib/dashboard";
import { TerraformAsset } from "cdktf";
import * as path from "path";

// in your stack

new Dashboard(this, "metrics", {
  config: Fn.file(
    // Copies the file so that it can be used in the context of the
    // Stack deployment
    new TerraformAsset(this, "metrics-file", {
      path: path.resolve(__dirname, "config.json")

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