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Why does my array from backend doesn't print in the frontend ReactJS?

I have a simple 'Submit a post' project with 2 inputs (title and description) and a submit button.

Whenever I press submit, I send the title and description value to the backend where it it stored there in an array called submittedPosts. For example:

Code in the backend:

const submittedPosts = [ 
title: 'test',
description: 'test',
date: 'test'

The problem is - I can't print ALL the array in the frontend to show the clients all the posts.

Things that I've tried but it did not work:

I've tried to get the array from the backend and assign it to the posts state, and then print it in the JSX as shown below:

Code in the frontend:

const loadAllPosts = async () => {
    const res = await axios.get("/api/posts");

//in JSX

I've also tried using map(), but I didn't do it correctly and got lost there...

I'd love to get a little help here.. Thanks.

Since posts is an array you have to map every element of it to JSX elements so it can be rendered.

Let's say you want an h1 with the title, a paragraph with the description and a span with the date

      return (
        <div key={post.id}>

You should also assign a key prop to every post, that's why I added key={post.id} despite your post structure not having it. You can assign the title as a key if you don't have unique id's for now but consider having unique id's

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