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Google Document AI - Inconsistent Long Running Operation's metadata JSON representation

While checking the status of Document AI - Long Running Operation (Form processor), the JSON representation of decodedOperation.metadata seems to vary during the execution. I suspect that operation response does not resolve straight away despite using then() on checkBatchProcessDocumentsProgress(operation.name) .

This behaviour does not happen using similar code for Google Speech's LROs.


At console.log line #24 of implemented code (below), as expected , decodedOperation.metadata resolves to


Current behaviour:

At console.log line #27, decodedOperation.metadata.state returns 2 (??)

Expected behaviour:

decodedOperation.metadata.state should return RUNNING .

More details of output in the code below.

Reproduction details:

Environment: node.js 12.02


    "dependencies": {
        "@google-cloud/documentai": "latest",


function run() {

    const documentai = require('@google-cloud/documentai').v1;

    // Create a promise on object
    let options = {
        credentials: {
            client_email: ** ** ** ,
            private_key: ** ** * ,
        projectId: ** ** *

    return async (async callback => {

        const client = new documentai.DocumentProcessorServiceClient(options);
                (decodedOperation) => {

                    console.log("METADATA " + JSON.stringify(decodedOperation.metadata));
                    /* logs to console:  
                    /// then 

                                  "stateMessage":"HumanReviewConfig is DISABLED, skipping human review."
                    console.log("STATE " + JSON.stringify(decodedOperation.metadata.state));
                    /* log to console: 2 
                     when above is "RUNNING" */

                    /* log to console: 3
                    when above is "SUCCEEDED" */

                    if (decodedOperation.metadata.state == "SUCCEEDED") { // Never triggers as decodedOperation.metadata.state evaluates to an integer at this line

                    let response = {
                        "operationStatus": decodedOperation.metadata.state
                    callback(undefined, response);
                (err) => {

Update on investigation

util.inspect(decodedOperation.metadata, { showHidden: false }) returns:

BatchProcessMetadata {

util.inspect(decodedOperation.metadata, { showHidden: true }) returns (section of interest only):

[...] [root]: [Getter], [fullName]: [Getter] }, State: { STATE_UNSPECIFIED: 0, WAITING: 1, RUNNING: 2, SUCCEEDED: 3, CANCELLING: 4, CANCELLED: 5, FAILED: 6, '0': 'STATE_UNSPECIFIED', '1': 'WAITING', '2': 'RUNNING', '3': 'SUCCEEDED', '4': 'CANCELLING', '5': 'CANCELLED', '6': 'FAILED' }, encode: <ref *5> [Function: BatchProcessMetadata$encode] [...]

To fix this issue, you can access the string representation of the state enum value by using the documentai.v1.BatchProcessMetadata.State object. For example:

console.log("STATE " + documentai.v1.BatchProcessMetadata.State[decodedOperation.metadata.state]);

instead of

console.log("STATE " + JSON.stringify(decodedOperation.metadata.state));

Read more about it. https://cloud.google.com/php/docs/reference/cloud-document-ai/latest/V1.BatchProcessMetadata.State

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