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Docker swarm mode on Docker Desktop

I've managed to run Docker Swam mode with multiple hosts with Docker Toolbox, but I am unable to create a swarm with Docker Desktop since it apparently only offers single node swarm.

Is there any way to get this working with Docker Desktop or is it not supported?

No. But yes. But actually no. But technically yes.

No. Docker Desktop does not support this. It manages a single docker node in a vm and has no capability to manage multiple dockers.

But yes. docker:dind is an image you can easily use to deploy multiple docker nodes as containers, and then swarm init / swarm join to create a swarm cluster hosted on docker. You can even swarm join the docker-desktop node to be the swarm manager which means you can communicate with your local docker desktop node to control the swarm.

But actually, no. Unless your use case is a very limited hello-world on swarm tutorial, there is no support for exposing ports from the dind-swarm to the host. Even if the host docker acts as the manager, overlay.networking that is required for ingress will require communications over:2377, :4789/udp, and:7946, and as the host is not part of its own overlay.networks, this will never work. So, communicating with tasks running on the swarm is basically impossible.

But technically yes. play-with-docker apparently runs docker swarms using dind. They do some heavy lifting to expose a restricted set of ports via l7 loadbalancers. Pretty cool. but not at all easy to do at home. If you have a spare Dell PowerEdge or equivalent blade server with 120+ cores just laying around, and want to expose it as a docker swarm rather than split it into VMS... perhaps this is a viable approach.

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