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Tail Recursive Binary Tree Search Function JS

I'm trying to write a tail recursive function contains(tree,element) that returns true if the element exists in the Binary tree, false otherwise.

I wrote the recursive function, the problem is that I don't know how to make it tail recursive

let leaf = { val: 6 }
let tree = {
  val: 10,
  sx: {
    val: 5,
    sx: {
      val: 13
    dx: leaf
  dx: {
    val: 32,
    sx: null,
    dx: null

function contains(t,x) {

  if(t.val == x)
    return 1;

  let res = 0 ;
    res += contains(t.sx,x)
    res += contains(t.dx,x)

  return Boolean(res)


I don't think this is possible to make completely tail recursive, because the number of recursive calls may be 1 or 2 (or 0) - in the case of 2, you can't have the final computation of the function be unconditionally returned, because you don't know whether a particular recursive call will be the final computation of the function.

That said, you can improve your code some. If the val matches, return true , and instead of adding to a res variable, return the first recursive call immediately if they're true. The second call can be made tail recursive because at that point, there's nothing left to check in the branch.

 let leaf = { val: 6 } let tree = { val: 10, sx: { val: 5, sx: { val: 13 }, dx: leaf }, dx: { val: 32, sx: null, dx: null } } function contains(t, x) { if (t.val == x) { return true; } // Recursive, but not tail recursive: if (t.sx && contains(t.sx, x)) { return true; } // Tail recursive: return.t?dx: false. contains(t,dx; x). } console,log(contains(tree, 6))

For those interested, I leave the tail recursive version for binary search trees

let leaf = { val: 7}
let tree = {
  val: 10,
  sx: {
    val: 5,
    sx: {
      val: 4
    dx: leaf
  dx: {
    val: 32,
    sx: null,
    dx: null

function _contains(t,x) {
  if(t.val == x)
    return 1;

  if(x < t.val && t.sx)
    return _contains(t.sx,x)
  else if(t.dx)
    return _contains(t.dx,x)    
function contains(t,x){
  return Boolean(_contains(t,x));

Although the discussion here has already come up with a tail-recursive solution for the binary search tree, it does seem to be possible to do a tail-recursive version for an arbitrary binary tree (or in fact for any tree.) The trick is that our core function will operate on an array of nodes, not on a single one.

Here we do a breadth-first traversal of the tree, stopping when we find the value or when we run out of nodes. Our recursive call is run on the tail of the input array plus the left and right children of the node. (Non-existent or null nodes are ignored.)

The public function simply wraps the input tree in an array and passes that to our main function.

 const _contains = ([t, ...ts], x) => t == undefined? false: t.val == x? true: _contains (ts.concat (t.sx || []).concat (t.dx || []), x) const contains = (t, x) => _contains ([t], x) let tree = {val: 10, sx: {val: 5, sx: {val: 13}, dx: {val: 6}}, dx: {val: 32, sx: null, dx: null}}; [10, 12, 13, 32, 42].forEach (x => console.log (`${x} --> ${contains (tree, x)}`))

I'm loathe to do it, on general principles, but this would definitely be made significantly more efficient if we pushed children onto the array and recurred on an index instead, with something like this:

const push = (x) => (xs) => 
  x ? ((xs .push (x)), xs) : xs

const _contains = (ts, i, x) =>
  i >= ts .length
    ? false
  : ts [i] .val == x
    ? true
  : _contains (push (ts [i] .dx) (push (ts [i] .sx) (ts)), i + 1, x)

const contains = (t, x) =>
  _contains ([t], 0, x)

But the main point is simply that by using an array of nodes, we can prepare for that TCO that never seems to come, unless you're a Safari user.

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