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Google Ads API - How to get the access and referesh token using PHP

I am following this package: https://github.com/googleads/google-ads-php . Here they said that I need to run this page:


to terminal.

and I did it like:

php /locaation of the fie/GenerateUserCredentials.php

After that I can get a link which is something like that:


(Above link is demo purpose)

So, When I click on this link I redirect to my google account and give access to them and after that I redirect back to this following URL:


Here you can see I have 2 params which is state and code .

Now my question is how can I get the access token and refresh token using this URL?

Here you can see I have 2 params which is state and code .

Now you can use them to get tokens. Here is an example from the google-ads-php source code (open the link for the full example/code):

// Exit if the state is invalid to prevent request forgery.
$state = $request->getQueryParams()['state'];
if (empty($state) || ($state !== $oauth2->getState())) {
    throw new UnexpectedValueException(
        "The state is empty or doesn't match expected one." . PHP_EOL

// Set the authorization code and fetch refresh and access tokens.
$code = $request->getQueryParams()['code'];
$authToken = $oauth2->fetchAuthToken();

$refreshToken = $authToken['refresh_token'];
print 'Your refresh token is: ' . $refreshToken . PHP_EOL;

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