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Why is Racket evaluating both of these functions in one case, but not the other?

Defining the function my-if to use cond internally results in different behavior than using cond directly.

Using cond , the DrRacket interpreter only prints the string for the first displayln .


  (#t (displayln "Cond: should run"))
  (else (displayln "Cond: shouldn't run")))


Cond: should run

Using my-if , the DrRacket interpreter prints both of the strings, despite seeming (at least to me) that it should expand to the same code.


(define (my-if condition statement-if statement-else)
  (cond (condition statement-if)
        (else statement-else)))

 (displayln "should run")
 (displayln "shouldn't run"))


My-If: should run
My-If: shouldn't run

I assumed that the function created by define would expand to the same code as the cond , but given that it has a different result, I assume it didn't.

Given that the 2 versions of the code have different results, my guess is something related to eager/lazy evaluation or cond being a macro in and of itself.

Function application in Racket is evaluated in the following way:

  • evaluate the function
  • evaluate the arguments
  • apply the function to the arguments

Since you're writing (my-if #t (displayln "should") (displayln "shouldn't")) , each of the arguments (including both displayln s) are evaluated first.

This is why you can't define conditionals as a function. What you're really looking for is Racket's macro system. You can then define my-if as a macro in the following way:

#lang racket

(define-syntax-rule (my-if c t e)
    [c t]
    [else e]))

(my-if #t (displayln "should run") (displayln "shouldn't run"))

Note that unlike function application, which evaluates the arguments first, a macro is actually expanded syntactically (in Racket, also hygenically ).

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