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WatchOS WCSession won't activate / WCsession missing its delegate

Im trying to simply connect an iOS app to a watchOS app with Xcode emulators and using watch connectivity WCSession. The watch isn't reachable and session won't activate even though I tried every possible change to the code. I use the same Sync service that I change its target to both watch and iOS apps and I call them as soon as app starts using.didAppear Am I doing something wrong?

import Foundation
import WatchConnectivity

class SyncService : NSObject, WCSessionDelegate {
    private var session: WCSession = .default

    init(session: WCSession = .default) {
        self.session = session
        self.session.delegate = self
        print("Reachable :",session.isReachable)
        #if os(iOS)
        print("Connection provider initialized on phone")
        #if os(watchOS)
        print("Connection provider initialized on watch")
    func connect() {
        guard WCSession.isSupported() else {
            print("WCSession is not supported")
        switch self.session.activationState {
                case .activated:
                    print("WCSession activated successfully")
                case .inactive:
                    print("Unable to activate the WCSession. Error:")
                case .notActivated:
                    print("Unexpected .notActivated state received after trying to activate the WCSession")
                @unknown default:
                    print("Unexpected state received after trying to activate the WCSession")
    func session(_ session: WCSession, activationDidCompleteWith activationState: WCSessionActivationState, error: Error?) {

    #if os(iOS)
    func sessionDidBecomeInactive(_ session: WCSession) { }
    func sessionDidDeactivate(_ session: WCSession) { }
     //   func sendMessage(_ key: String, _ message: String, _ errorHandler: ((Error) -> Void)?) {
        //    if session.isReachable {
        //        session.sendMessage([key : message], replyHandler: nil) { (error) in
         //           print(error.localizedDescription)
         //           if let errorHandler = errorHandler {
           ///             errorHandler(error)
            //        }
        //        }
       //     }
   //     }


import SwiftUI

struct Connectivity_Watch_AppApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView() .onAppear{
                var model = SyncService()

import SwiftUI

struct ConnectivityApp: App {
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView() .onAppear{
                var model = SyncService()

You have to wait until session will be activated and only then you can send message. So, check there is session is activated and then send message

func session(_ session: WCSession, activationDidCompleteWith activationState: WCSessionActivationState, error: Error?) {
    if activationState == .activated {
        // send message

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