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How to assertRaises in unittest an exception caught in try except block?

In my production function:

def myfunction():
        raise MyException("...")
    except MyException as exception:

My test fails, because the exception is caught in the try/except block

def test_raise(self):
   with self.assertRaises(MyException):

self.assertRaises is never called.

How to guarantee that the exception is caught during testing?

The exception is never asserted AssertionError: MyException not raised

This is because you caught the exception MyException direct in myFunction() .

Comment out out the try-except clause and try again, test should pass.

assertRaises is used for uncaught errors. You can also re-raise in except block.

The exception is handled internally, so there is no external evidence that the exception is raised.

However, both MyException and do_clean_up are external names, which means you can patch them and make assertions about whether they do or do not get used. For example,

# Make sure the names you are patching are correct
with unittest.mock.patch('MyException', wraps=MyException) as mock_exc, \
     unittest.mock.patch('do_clean_up', wraps=do_clean_up) as mock_cleanup:
    if mock_exc.called:

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