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Force extension for given file type in a hook

How can I configure a pre-commit hook which will force yaml/yml files to have yaml extension. Pass:




List all the cached files excluding the deleted ones. Check the extension of each file. Fail the hook if any of them ends with .yml .

A demo in Bash,


git diff --cached --name-status --diff-filter=d | awk '
    /\.yml$/ {
        print "ERROR: pre-commit failed"
        print $NF
        print "The extension \".yml\" is not allowed. Use \".yaml\" instead"
        exit 1

The demo checks only the extension. You could also check if a file is really a YAML file before checking its extension when necessary. A YAML file starts with three dashes, so it's not complicated to find out the real YAML files.

Actually it turned out to be fairly easy. It's enough to add the following hook to the config:

  - repo: local
      - id: yaml-file-extension
        name: Check if YAML files has *.yaml extension.
        entry: YAML filenames must have .yaml extension.
        language: fail
        files: .yml$

It will not verify the content however, just the extension.

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