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How to solve a PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function each()?

Since moving to PHP 8 the code below gave me the error 'PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function each()...'

public function Seek($ArrangementID)
    $bFound= false;
    while (!$bFound && (list($i, $oArrangement) = each ($this->Arrangementen)))
        $bFound= ($oArrangement->ArrangementID== $ArrangementID);
        if ($bFound)
        $this->Current_Elm= $i;
    $this->EOF= !$bFound;

Following some other posts with solutions to this error I changed a part of the while-list-each to: foreach ($this->Arrangementen as $i => $oArrangement)

public function Seek($ArrangementID)
    $bFound= false;
    foreach ($this->Arrangementen as $i => $oArrangement)
        $bFound= ($oArrangement->ArrangementID== $ArrangementID);
        if ($bFound)
        $this->Current_Elm= $i;
    $this->EOF= !$bFound;

However, how to incorporate the first part of the while function: "?$bFound &&" into the loop?

while (!$bFound && (list($i, $oArrangement) = each ($this->Arrangementen)))

Any ideas?

You could break out of the loop when you find your element.

public function Seek($ArrangementID)
    $bFound= false;
    foreach ($this->Arrangementen as $i => $oArrangement)
        $bFound= ($oArrangement->ArrangementID== $ArrangementID);
        if ($bFound){
            $this->Current_Elm= $i;
            break; // Leave the loop!
    $this->EOF= !$bFound;

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