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Bitbucket Pipelines - AWSCLI - ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement botocore==1.29.21 (from awscli)

Today we have faced an specific error about a dependency of aws cli called botocore. We are using pip from a bitbucket caches like in this yml below:

    - step: &build-and-publish
          name: Build and Publish
            - docker
            - pip
            - pip3 install awscli  

During the building process, the following error happens: ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement botocore==1.29.21 (from awscli) .

Our Solution was to upgrade pip using this code in the bitbucket-pipelines.yml file: pip install --upgrade pip .

The final bitbucket-pipelines.yml:

 - step: &build-and-publish
              name: Build and Publish
                - docker
                - pip
                - pip install --upgrade pip  
                - pip3 install awscli

We don't know if it's a bug on Bitbucket Pipelines or something wrong with our project. We are still investigating it. But maybe this solution can be helpful if it's a bug.

awscli 1.27.21 depending on botocore 1.29.21 were simultaneously published (uploaded to pypi.org) yesterday around 20:16 UTC.

My guess is there is a small time window with non-zero chance of pypi.org not having consistently distributed this info globally yet.

Just try again now.

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