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Changing value of mat-option based off a conditonal in *ngIf

I have two options for values when it comes to my mat-option

tempTime: TempOptions[] = [
    { value: 100, viewValue: '100 points' },
    { value: 200, viewValue: '200 points' }

tempTimesHighNumber: TempOptions[] = [
    { value: 1000, viewValue: '1000 points' },
    { value: 2000, viewValue: '2000 points' }

I want to set a conditional in my html based off of two variables I have:
public SentDate;
public CurrentDate;

I'm getting these values from a datepicker. My desired result is, if the dates are the same, display tempTime in mat-options if not display temptimesHighNumber

Here is what I've tried:

      <mat-label>Tally up that score!</mat-label>
            *ngIf="checkConditionSentDate === checkConditionCurrentDate"
            *ngFor="let option of tempTimes"
            >{{ option.viewValue }}</mat-option
            *ngFor="let option of tempTimesIfNotTodaysDate"
            >{{ option.viewValue }}</mat-option

Here is the error I'm getting: Can't have multiple template bindings on one element. Use only one attribute prefixed with * ("heckConditionSentDate === checkConditionCurrentDate" Can't have multiple template bindings on one element. Use only one attribute prefixed with * ("heckConditionSentDate === checkConditionCurrentDate" What is the proper way to use *ngIf or am I approaching this the wrong way?

You can wrap each mat-option with ng-container and put *ngIf on ngContainer like this:

    <ng-container *ngIf="checkConditionSentDate === checkConditionCurrentDate">
      <mat-option [value]="option.value"
                  *ngFor="let option of tempTimes">{{ option.viewValue }}
    <ng-container *ngIf="otherCondition">
              *ngFor="let option of tempTimesIfNotTodaysDate"
      >{{ option.viewValue }}</mat-option

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