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Add ale fixer for a specific file name?

I would like to define a fixer for tox.ini files that invokes tox-ini-fmt , but when defining my fixer mapping, doing the naïve thing of specifying "tox.ini" doesn't work:

let g:ale_fixers = {"tox.ini": "tox-ini-fmt"}

I have worked around this by defining a custom file type toxini , but I'm wondering if there's a more direct way to do this, since I'm not sure I need to maintain a custom file type just for this.

How about something like this in vimrc or (probably better) after/filetype.vim ?

au BufNewFile,BufRead tox.ini let b:ale_fixers = ["tox-ini-fmt"]

Whenever you create a new file or read an existing file called tox.ini, that will set the buffer-local variable b:ale_fixers to ["tox-ini-fmt"]


:help :autocmd
:help BufNewFile
:help BufRead
:help buffer-variable



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