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next-auth/discord callbacks arent modifying data

I'm using next-auth/discord however when using the session callback to set a user id to the session it does not set the property.


import NextAuth from "next-auth/next";
import DiscordProvider from "next-auth/providers/discord";

export default NextAuth({
  providers: [
      session: {
        strategy: "jwt",
      callbacks: {
        async session({ session, user }) {
          session.user.id = user.id;
          return session;


import { getSession } from 'next-auth/react';

export default async function handler(req, res) {
  const session = await getSession({ req });

This logs:

  user: {
    name: ...,
    email: ...,
    image: ...
  expires: ...

With no user.id property.

Fixed it, callbacks should have been in NextAuth object. Also callbacks shouldve been:

async jwt({ token, user }) {
      if (user) {
        token.id = user.id
      return token
    async session({ session, token }) {
      session.user.id = token.id
      return session

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