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getting the EC2 Instance List and the networkIn networkOut data by using AWS SDK JavaScript

I am trying to using AWS-SDK For JavaScript to generate a monthly report of EC2 Instance for own use. I want to get the last month usage data by using CloudWatchClient and EC2Client.

    const getEC2Instances = async (regions) => {
    const EC2Clients = new EC2Client(myClient(regions));
    const EC2Command = new DescribeInstancesCommand({});
    const EC2Data = await EC2Clients.send(EC2Command);
    return EC2Data;
    let InstancesList = new Array();
for(let i=0;i<AWSRegion.length;i++){
    let EC2Data = await getEC2Instances(AWSRegion[i]);


it will return some instance result for me, but i want to get the instance which is running in last months. maybe this month the instance will be terminate or deleted, i still want to get the list of instance. is there any methods to get it? thanks

as i noticed that, without cloudtrail, it is impossible to do this things.

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