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Getting updated input value for further update in jQuery

I use an Ajax form (with JQuery Validation Plugin) on my site. It works except for the following problem: if I enter something in a text field and then click on the send button, the value is updated. With each next update, however, the old value is always used. I already understand that I may have to work with.on or.keyup, but I understand how to properly integrate it into the code, after the click or outside...

Update: I have several fields in the form. Here is simplified code. I also noticed that after the first update of the form, no fields can be updated with newly entered values. All values remain old.


<form id="org-684" class="org">
    <input class="org-name" type="text" name="name" value="" required>
    <button type="submit" class="updateOrg">Update</button>


    $('.updateOrg').click(function() {
        var id = $(this).closest(".org").attr("id");
        id = id.split('-');
        id = id[1];
        var org_id_attr = "#org-"+id;
        var org_name = $(org_id_attr).find(".org-name").val();
            submitHandler: function() {
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "update.php",
                    data: ({
                        id: id,
                        org_name: org_name
                    success: function(response){
                        var result = jQuery.parseJSON(response);
                    error: function() {

                    cache: false
                return false;


$orgId = $_POST['id'];
$orgName = $_POST['org_name'];
$select = "
    id = $orgId
$result = $mysqli->query($select); 
$row = $result->fetch_row();
$res = array(
    'name' => $row[0]
echo json_encode($res);

I solved the problem. You just have to put the variables from the form behind the "SubmitHandler".

    submitHandler: function() {
        var org_name = $(org_id_attr).find(".org-name").val();
            type: "POST",

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