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compose navigation handle when composable returned after back

Let's say I have 2 screens HomeScreen and DetailScreen and use compose navigation to navigate between screens.

The graph is HomeScreen -> DetailScreen .

When I pressed back on DetailScreen and returned to HomeScreen I want HomeScreen reacted to that and had to call some method. I want HomeScreen composable to call some method every time he shows up on the screen. How to achieve that?

        navController = navController,
        startDestination = "Home"
    ) {
        composable("Home") {
                onDetailClick= {
        composable("Detail") {
                onBackClick= {

You should use NavHostController.navigateUp() instead of NavHostController.popBackStack() , then you can use LaunchedEffect with a fixed value like Unit for the key.

HomeScreen() {
    LaunchedEffect(key1 = Unit) {
        Log.i("HomeScreen", "home screen visible")

        // call your methods here
    // the rest of HomeScreen code

But be careful because everytime configuration change occured it will also be re-executed.

It depends how are you back to the home screen. If you use navController.navigete("home") then it will work fine.

HomeScreen() {
    LaunchedEffect(key1 = true) {
        Log.i("HomeScreen", "home screen visible")

        // call your methods here
    // the rest of HomeScreen code  

Or, if you are using navController.popBackStack() , then it will not work.

For that, you need to first navigate to Home by using navController.popBackStack() then use navController.navigate("home")

example - >


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