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Woocommerce query var 'order-received' causes a 404 error when used on page

if i try to add query parameter (order-received) in order-received page in woocommerce. it gives me 404 error.url is like http://localhost/order-received/?js:order=269017&key=wc_order_09fU1jATKarrE&order-received=269017

order-received page is custom page in wp. which is used as thankyou page after place order. i need to set order-received parameter value to order id. ineed to solve error. PHP Notice: Undefined index: order-received in /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-subscriptions/vendor/woocommerce/subscriptions-core/includes/gateways/paypal/class-wcs-paypal.php on line 51

If you want to add a new query param then you have to go to the plugin file you mentioned class-wcs-paypal.php and there must be all params are calling, if there is new one then you have to add check for that param.

Also its just a Notice, if you go to wp-config.php file and turn the WP Debug to false then it will not show.

// Enable WP_DEBUG mode false define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

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