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What is the difference between @aws-sdk/client-ses and @aws-sdk/client-sesv2?

AWS's SDK for JavaScript version 3 seems to have 2 different clients for Simple Email Service (SES).

I realized I have been using @aws-sdk/client-sesv2 but:

  • The actual doc on their GitHub repos is really hard to understand (see v1 and v2 )
  • Nowhere in the Github example do they show an example of sending an email or why there are 2 versions
  • I found this more useful documentation but they don't even mention v2?

Are we supposed to use v1 or v2? What are the differences between both?

After poking around, the AWS SDK for JavaScript seems to have two versions:

Version 2 of the SDK is meant to be entering maintenance mode in 2023.

Now that this first layer of confusion is cleared out, the AWS SES API also has 2 versions:

So based on this investigation, I presume that the packages points to the different API versions.

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