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Defer updating [wire:model.defer] not working for a textarea input within a modal in Laravel Livewire

So I'm using Livewire 2.10.4 and I have a textarea within a modal, which looks like this:

        showDiscontinueModal: @entangle('showModal')

    <x-modal x-model="showDiscontinueModal" modalDialogClasses="modal-sm-md">

        <x-slot name="content">
            <x-input.group class="w-full">
                <x-input.label>{{ trans('rx.pharmacy_notes') }}</x-input.label>


The textarea blade component looks like this:

@props(['error' => null])

    {{ $attributes->class([
        'missing' => $error,
    ]) }}

But each time the user types something in the textarea input field Livewire hydrates, causing a lot of unnecessary requests and weird behavior in the input (it flickers and erases part of what's being typed)

So far I tried to use wire:model.defer , wire:model.lazy and wire:model.debounce to try to mitigate the number of requests but for some reason this is not affecting the behavior at all. I also tested changing the field to a simple text input and that didn't work either.

try wire:ignore or wire:ignore.self for your textarea parent

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