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Handlebars does not find dynamic partial

I have this partial:



And I have this helper function in my helpers file:


module.exports = {
  infoPartial: function(context, options) {
    return '/absolute/path/to/_info.hbs';    

My template is this:

{{> ('infoPartial') }}

And when I call my template I get

"The partial /absolute/path/to/_info could not be found"

I don't know, why handlebars can't find the partial. Maybe someone can help me with this problem.

My understanding is that you cannot pass an absolute path to a partial to the partial resolver. The path resolution is done by the framework. Instead of the path, you should just be passing the name of the partial. In your case, this would mean replacing '/absolute/path/to/_info.hbs' with simply '_info' .

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